Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Operation Publicity

Hellooooo fellow people who enjoy the site.... um ok.
Well anyway we need YOU to get us some publicity!
Tell your friends, send emails do whatever ur little brains think up. Not that ur brains r any smaller then ours!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Magic music video!

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR PARTICIPATING IN OUR FIRST POLL! it was the "would you rather have super powers or magical powers. magical powers won with 28 votes and superpowers had 2 votes. so, we have made a music video revolving around magic! (again, some lip syncing is a bit off because by the time you get it on the blog some scenes move but we tried our best to get it close). So enjoy and make sure to vote on the newest poll!

update! fun fun...

this update was filmed on labor day, September 7th.
so hopefully you don't get confused! our movie came
out yesterday and our magic music video
should come out tomorrow! (today is sept. 8th)...
this wasn't edited in any way!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

If you try u can accomplish anything!

This is a sorta random title but OMG! The lead singer of The Dollyrots Kelly Ogden emailed us and she loves our videos! This is a sorta random post but we thought we'd let you guys know!

Em & La
