Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It's the moment you've all been waiting for! Here is our very first remaking of a trailer! It's totally epic and we're sure you'll love it and will want to watch it over and over again, just like us! By the way, Em and La love Harry Potter! So we aren't making fun of the movies. No sirree... Anyway, here's a link to the original trailer as well: Click on me! How about this funny literal trailer as well? Click on me!

ok, now that that's done; here's the video!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

We're Back!

Hi Everyone! Lauren Here,
I know that we haven't been doing anything since the end of the school year, but we're back making videos and ready for action! We got our version of a movie trailer in the editing room and we're thinking up new ideas.